Maternity activewear, and why we created this brand.

Maternity activewear, and why we created this brand.

Imagine, you have just found out your pregnant and amongst all the excitement that you are are feeling, you are also feeling overwhelmed with everything that is going to change in the world as you know it. You write yourself a list of things  that you are going to need, and for the most part the list includes all of the items you are going to need for the new life you are creating however, you realise that your body is going to go through many changes and the clothes you have now you are going to outgrow. So you start thinking of the things you need for yourself, maternity wear, pregnancy support bands, comfortable maternity activewear and the list goes on. You start researching and find that everything you need is so expensive and there is so much information out there that its difficult to choose the best brand to support you through this journey of change. These are all the thoughts that went through our minds when we found ourselves in our final pregnancy journey, so we wanted to create a brand that has it all. Affordable, comfortable and most of all supportive as our bodies go through immense changes during pregnancy and to be able to provide that support at an affordable price means everything to us as we struggled so much to find maternity activewear within our budget.
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